Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Message from Your New ITS

I'm so excited to get started and really look forward to the opportunity that I have as an Instructional Technology Specialist. I have found the world of blogging to be a great educational tool, and it has been something that I have used in my own classroom as a teacher.

I woud like to be a great resource to the school in not only helping to integrate technology in the classroom, but to also help everyone feel comfortable with technology. I am happy to help in anyway that I can. Mrs. Plost set up a wonderful resources page on her school webpage. I wanted to make sure that we had a place to store all of these websites, if any changes are made to the campus website over the summer.

If you are interested in creating a blog of your own, they are very simple and easy to create. I would be more than willing to help you. Blogs can be used in a variety of ways. I have used my gaggle blog as a Student Response Board, and I also have a class blog that is used as a bulletin board for students and parents. Feel free to check out either one.